Creating Tile Groups Programmatically
Paint tiles on a map by putting tile definitions in a group that you create in code.
To paint tiles on a map using a tile group, you call fill(with:)
on the group. The fill behaviors you use depend on the type of group you make:
Group type | Fill behavior |
Single tile | Repeats the single center tile. |
Multiple tiles without adjacency rules | Chooses randomly among the multiple center tiles, abiding by the placement weights you choose. |
Multiple tiles with adjacency rules | Repeats the center tile and borders all of its edges using the peripheral adjacency tiles you define. |
Create a Tile Group with a Single Tile
Although a tile group is a container for multiple tiles, you can create one with a single tile, if you wish. Use the init(tileDefinition:)
initializer, as shown in the following code.
let backgroundTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "BG.png")
let backgroundDefinition = SKTileDefinition(texture: backgroundTexture)
let backgroundGroup = SKTileGroup(tileDefinition: backgroundDefinition)
Create a Heterogenous Tile Group with Random Placement
For a tile group with more than one texture, use the init(rules:)
initializer. The following code shows how you can create a tile group containing two definitions—one based on an image named RED.png and the other on an image named BLUE.png.
let redTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "RED.png")
let redDefinition = SKTileDefinition(texture: redTexture)
redDefinition.placementWeight = 3
let blueTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "BLUE.png")
let blueDefinition = SKTileDefinition(texture: blueTexture)
blueDefinition.placementWeight = 1
let redBlueRule = SKTileGroupRule(adjacency: .adjacencyAll,
tileDefinitions: [redDefinition, blueDefinition])
let group = SKTileGroup(rules: [redBlueRule])
When a tile map node is supplied with a tile set using this group and its tiles are filled with the fill(with:)
method, the placement weights control the random assignment of tiles. In this case, there are three times more red than blue tiles.
Create a Tile Group Using Adjacency Rules
To create a tile group that uses adjacency, you need to create a set of rules for each of the adjacency values. For a grid-based layout, you need 13 rules, as shown in the following illustration:
To create the tile group programmatically, create definitions and rules for each adjacency:
let centerTileDefintion = SKTileDefinition(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "CENTER.png"))
let centerRule = SKTileGroupRule(adjacency: .adjacencyAll,
tileDefinitions: [ centerTileDefintion ])
let upEdgeDefinition = SKTileDefinition(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "N.png"))
let upEdgeRule = SKTileGroupRule(adjacency: .adjacencyUpEdge,
tileDefinitions: [ upEdgeDefinition ])
let downEdgeDefinition = SKTileDefinition(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "S.png"))
let downEdgeRule = SKTileGroupRule(adjacency: .adjacencyDownEdge,
tileDefinitions: [ downEdgeDefinition ])
The 13 rules are used to make a tile group:
let group = SKTileGroup(rules: [centerRule, upEdgeRule, downEdgeRule, ...]
With automapping enabled, when an individual tile is placed on the map using setTileGroup(_:forColumn:row:)
, SpriteKit also sets the tile definitions for the surrounding tiles based on the group’s adjacency rules.