Controlling Actions Precisely by Using Names
Set an action’s name property so you can access it later without needing an instance variable.
Normally, you can’t see which actions a node is executing, and if you want to remove actions, you must remove all of them. If you need to see whether a particular action is executing, or if you want to remove a specific action, use named actions. A named action is characterized by a unique string that identifies the action. Using named actions, you can start, remove, find and replace the actions of a node.
Create and Run a Named Action
The following code creates and runs a new action identified with the ignition key.
let moveNodeUp = SKAction.moveBy(x: 0.0,
y: 100.0,
duration: 1.0),
withKey: "ignition")
The following key-based methods are available:
method to run the action. If an action with the same key is already executing, it is removed before the new action is added.action(forKey:)
method to determine if an action with that key is already running.removeAction(forKey:)
method to remove the action.
Find and Replace an In-Flight Action
The code below shows how you use a name to replace an action that’s currently running. The code determines where a mouse click occurred and then runs an action that moves a sprite to the click location. The action duration is calculated ahead of time to move the sprite at a fixed speed. Because this code uses run(_:withKey:)
, any previous move that’s still executing is stopped and replaced by the new action with the same name.
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
guard let playerNodeParent = self.playerNode.parent else { return }
let clickPoint = event.location(in: playerNodeParent)
let charPos = playerNode.position
let distance = hypot(clickPoint.x-charPos.x,
let moveToClick = SKAction.move(to: clickPoint,
duration: TimeInterval(distance / characterSpeed)), withKey: "moveToClick")