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Getting Started with Nodes

Learn about the fundamental properties that provide a foundation for all other nodes.


Nodes are organized hierarchically into node trees, similar to how views and subviews work. Most commonly, a node tree is defined with a scene node (SKScene) as the root node and other content nodes as descendants. The scene node runs an animation loop that processes actions on the nodes, simulates physics, and renders the contents of the node tree for display.

Every node in a node tree provides a coordinate system to its children. After a child is added to the node tree, you position it inside its parent’s coordinate system by setting its zPosition property. A node’s coordinate system can be scaled and rotated by changing its xScale, yScale, and zRotation properties. When a node’s coordinate system is scaled or rotated, this transformation is applied both to the node’s own content and to that of its descendants.

Review Important Properties

The SKNode class does not perform any drawing of its own. However, many SKNode subclasses render visual content and so the SKNode class understands some visual concepts:

All nodes are responder objects that can respond directly to user interaction with the node onscreen. You can also convert between coordinate systems and perform hit testing to determine which nodes a point lies in, and perform intersections between nodes in the tree to determine if their physical areas overlap.

Any node in the tree may run actions, which are used to animate the properties of a node, add or remove nodes, play sounds, or perform other custom tasks. Actions are the heart of the animation system in SpriteKit.

A node can support a physics body, which is an object that simulates the physical properties of the object. When a node has a physics body, the physics simulation automatically computes a new position for the physics body and then moves and rotates the node to match that position.

A node can supply constraints that express relationships with other nodes or locations in the scene. These constraints are automatically applied by the scene before the scene is rendered. Another set of constraints is used in conjunction with actions to perform inverse-kinematic animations.

Ensure Node Access on the Main Thread

All of the SpriteKit callbacks for SKViewDelegate, SKSceneDelegate, and SKScene occur in the main thread and therefore, these are safe places to access or manipulate nodes. If you are performing other work in the background, you should adopt an approach similar to Listing 1.

Listing 1 Manipulating a node within a scene update callback
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let queue = DispatchQueue.global()
    var makeNodeModifications = false
    func backgroundComputation() {
        queue.async {
            // Perform background calculations but do not modify 
            // SpriteKit objects
            // Set a flag for later modification within the 
            // SKScene or SKSceneDelegate callback of your choosing
            self.makeNodeModifications = true
extension ViewController: SKSceneDelegate {
    func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval, for scene: SKScene) {
        if makeNodeModifications {
            makeNodeModifications = false
            // Make node modifications

Lay Out Your Scene with Basic Nodes

Even though SKNode objects cannot directly draw content, there are useful ways to use them in your app. Here are some ideas to get you started:

There are advantages to having a node in the tree to represent these concepts:

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