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Menu Bar Timer Support / Help

Basic Usage v2.4

1- After you install the app, you can start it from your Applications folder.

menu bar timer support image1

2- Once you start the app it attachs itself at your Menu Bar. You won’t see an app in your dock.

menu bar timer support image2

3- To start counting click on the app to see the menu. And click Start or press command+s while the menu is open.

menu bar timer support image3

4- Once you do, it will start counting.

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5- To stop it click on the app to see the menu. And click Stop or press command+p while the menu is open.

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6- To reset the timer click on the app to see the menu. And click Reset or press command+r while the menu is open.

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7- To quit the app click on the app to see the menu. And click Quit or press command+q while the menu is open.

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8- To reach me you can click on the website button.

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9- In v2.2 there is a Mode button.

menu bar timer support image9

10- If you press this button you will see a Menu with options stopwatch and timer. You can choose stopwatch to count-up and time to count-down.

menu bar timer support image10

11- You can set timer between “99 hours - 59 minutes” and “0 hour - 1 minute”.

menu bar timer support image11

12- You can close this window by pressing either “X” button on top-left or “Save and close” button on bottom-right. If you don’t want to save your changes use “X” button on top-left.

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13- In v2.3 there is also an alarm sound feature. You can enable alarm and select a .wav file to play also you can choose how many times it will play. When you select .wav file you will hear how it sounds.

menu bar timer support image v2.3 1

14- If you choose these options below it means that when timer reaches zero it will play wr.wav file 30 times.

menu bar timer support image v2.3 2

15- You can stop playing alarm by simply clicking the app in the menu bar.

menu bar timer support image v2.3 3

16- In v2.4 there is a blink option in timer mode. You can select this option and rate of blink. When timer reaches zero menu bar text will blink with choosen rate. 0.1 rate is the fastest and 0.5 is the slowest. App will blink when you choose a rate to show how fast the rate is.

menu bar timer support image v2.4 1

17- You can stop blinking by clicking the app in the menu bar.

18- Blinking will automatically stop after blinked 200 times.

19- In v2.4.4 there is a “Restart” button in the menu. This button stops, resets and starts again currently active timer with only one click. So you don’t have to click 3 buttons seperately.

menu bar timer support image v2.4.4 1


menu bar timer support image13

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